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Prof. Tuba Bircan 

    Tuba works as a research professor of sociology at the Dept. of Sociology, at the Free University of Brussels (VUB), besides her appointment asa senior social scientists at Kavli Research Centre for Ethics, Science and the Public at University of Cambridge and Wellcome Connecting Science. As an interdisciplinary computational social scientist, her research interests cover a wide range from migration, inequalities, social and public policies to new methodologies and use of Big Data and AI for studying socio-political challenges. She is a follower of open science and science for society. She is currently leading the H2020 funded Enhanced Migration Measures from a Multidimensional Perspective (HumMingBird) project and is the co-promoter of Climate-Induced Migration in Africa and Beyond: Big Data and Predictive Analytics (CLIMB) project. She sits in editorial board of Nature Humanities and Social Sciences Communications and Plos One, as well as ethical board of AI Excellence Centre of Flemish Employment Agency in Belgium. She has published mainly on the methodological aspects of migration studies, use of Big  Data and AI in social sciences and inclusive policies and inequalities.
